
Come and watch us in the final

Hello to all my lovely readers ♥

(foto: @k.kimage)

I’m inviting you all to the Miss Norway competition this 5 August. it is finally happening, for everyone is waiting for it! If you want to see and know more about this beauty pageant? you should come and watch the competition, it's going to be very interesting and fun. here is the link to the ticket in this Beauty Camp <3

Link: https://www.deltager.no/event/miss_norway_finale_5_august_2023_05082023#init 

I'm really looking forward to seeing all my friends and family on the show, and of course meeting those girls again. It's been a month since the last time I saw them. All of you are welcome to the final this coming Saturday<3. It will be a fantastic show, we will do everything for everything all of us contestants will do our best to make the show good for everyone and fun too, in addition to the catwalk we will show some dancing and music, and of course champagne, drinks for those who want to drink<3

Thank you so much for supporting me on this incredible journey every one <3



Jeg inviterer dere alle sammen til Miss Norway konkurranse denne 5 august. Da skjer det endelig, alle venter på! Vil du se og vite mer om denne skjønnhetskonkurransen? du bør komme og se konkurransen, det kommer til å bli veldig interessant og morsomt. her er lenken til billetten i denne Beauty Camp <3 

Jeg gleder meg veldig til å se alle mine venner og mine familie i showet, og selvfølgelig møte de jentene igjen. Alle dere er velkomne til finalen denne lørdagen som kommer<3. Det blir et fantastisk show, alle oss deltakere skal gjøre vårt beste for at showet skal være bra for alle og morsomt også, i tillegg til catwalken vi skal vise blir det litt dans og musikk, og selvfølgelig champagne, drikke til de som vil drikke<3

Link: https://www.deltager.no/event/miss_norway_finale_5_august_2023_05082023#init 



If you or someone you know wants to collaborate with me <3, please send an email: @Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den.

Please also follow me on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joeann.guron.3

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guron_joeann/

Tiktok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@guron_joeann?lang=en



when you vote for me, you choose to support a finalist 2023 who works for

sustainable development and helps people in need!

would you like to support me in this competition

I would really appreciate it if you would vote for me once:

(MissU 7) sent to 2401. per vote cost 20-, kr <3


777 Hits

My 6 tips for finer and longer hair

Hello to all my lovely readers ♥


this post I will share with you how I do to grow longer hair and I want to give you a tip

  1. Wash your hair correctly - When you wash your hair, it is important to focus on the scalp and the inner part of the hairline when massaging in the shampoo, the rest of the hair will be washed naturally when you rinse out the shampoo. Do not massage the ends of the hair too much, the hair is vulnerable and breaks easily when wet
  2. If you struggle with greasy hair, you can avoid conditioner in the hairline and only apply conditioner from the ponytail attachment outwards. You can also massage your scalp less, as sebum production can increase when you massage your scalp, especially for people who struggle with oily scalps.
  3. Keep the hairbrush clean. Old hair, sebum and product residues make the hair dull and flat. Clean the hairbrush regularly of hair, and preferably wash it once a week with a little soap.
  4. A lot of color treatment will damage the hair. If you want long hair, I would recommend dropping color treatment over a longer period of time. I find that my hair is much healthier after I stopped coloring it.
  5. Cut off frayed ends. When the hair has started to get worn, the worn ends continue to eat their way up, cutting them off. You don't have to get a haircut every other week, but every once in a while it's healthy to have a little trim. Cutting your hair doesn't make it grow faster, but it does grow healthier!
  1. Wash your hair as often as you like. Hair washing in itself does not damage the hair, it is the treatment after such as towel, hairdryer, brush etc. that damages your hair. Your hair will naturally look nicer if you wash it as often as you need, but remember to treat it nicely when you're done.



dette innlegget vil jeg dele med dere hvordan jeg gjør for å få lengre hår og jeg vil gi dere et tips

Vask håret riktig – Når du vasker håret er det viktig å fokusere på hodebunnen og den indre delen av hårfestet når du masserer i sjampoen, resten av håret vil vaskes naturlig når du skyller ut sjampoen. Masser ikke hårtuppene for mye, håret er sårbart og knekker lett når det er vått

Sliter du med fett hår -  kan du unngå balsam i hårfestet og bare smøre balsam fra hestehale festet og utover. Du kan også massere hodebunnen mindre, da talgproduksjonen kan øke når du masserer hodebunnen, spesielt for personer som sliter med fet hodebunn.

Hold hår børsten ren -  gammelt hår, talg og produktrester gjør håret matt og flatt. Rens hår børsten regelmessig for håret, og vask den gjerne en gang i uken med litt såpe.

Mye farge behandling vil skade håret - ønsker du langt hår vil jeg anbefale å droppe farge behandling over lengre tid. Jeg opplever at håret mitt er mye sunnere etter at jeg sluttet å farge det.

Klipp av frynsete ender - Når håret har begynt å bli slitt, fortsetter de slitte endene å spise seg opp, og klipper dem av. Du trenger ikke å klippe deg annenhver uke, men innimellom er det sunt med litt trim. Å klippe håret får det ikke til å vokse raskere, men det vokser sunnere!

Vask håret så ofte du vil - Hårvask i seg selv skader ikke håret, det er behandlingen etter som håndkle, hårføner, børste etc. som skader håret ditt. Håret ditt vil naturlig nok se penere ut hvis du vasker det så ofte du trenger, men husk å behandle det pent når du er ferdig


If you or someone you know wants to collaborate with me <3, please send an email: @Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den. 

Please also follow me on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joeann.guron.3

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guron_joeann/

Tiktok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@guron_joeann?lang=en


when you vote for me, you choose to support a finalist 2023 who works for

sustainable development and helps people in need!

would you like to support me in this competition

I would really appreciate it if you would vote for me once:

(MissU 7) sent to 2401. per vote cost 20-, kr <3
739 Hits

Takk alle sammen!

Hello to all my lovely readers ♥

(foto: @rogerymyrland)

Dette innlegget er for alle dere der ute, som har støttet meg i denne konkurransen. Å være med i en beauty konkurranse er mye mer utfordrende enn folk egentlig tror. Det er ikke bare å melde seg på, gå på en scene og se bra ut, det er mye mer forberedelse før du kommer på scenen. Vi må lære oss catwalken. Det er ikke så lett som vi ser i sosiale medier, vi må være tøffe for å møte alle utfordringene vi møter og jeg er veldig stolt av alle oss deltakere.

Når du deltar i Miss Norway, må du naturligvis vise deg selvdisiplin. Men det som også er veldig viktig er å ha et støtte team som hjelper deg med alt fra fotografering, sponsing og mediedekning. Det er definitivt noe som får meg til å kjempe og holde meg i gang. Jeg leser gjennom alle kommentarene og meldingene jeg får på sosiale medier. Det gjør meg så glad når jeg føler at andre heier på meg. Jeg setter stor pris på den lille meldingen du sender!

Jeg må også takke de fantastiske fotografene, som bruker fritiden sin til å ta så mange fine bilder av meg. Min største takk for deres fantastiske innsats! Da har jeg vært så heldig og blitt sponset av en lokal bedrift. Selv om jeg ikke fikk mange pressemeldinger og ble intervjuet av en lokalavis. Det går helt greit for meg, jeg jobber ganske mye for dette og ser mer frem etter konkurransen.

Det betyr utrolig mye for meg at dere alle har tro på meg i konkurransen. Jeg er veldig heldig som har dere som team og støtte. Min dypeste takk for all deres hjelp! Hvis jeg står på scenen i finalen, vil jeg at dere skal vite at dere er en stor grunn til at jeg står der opp i scenen!

Til min familie, venner, støttespillere Takk for at dere tror på meg og aldri gir opp. Takk også for at dere hjalp meg med økonomisk, jeg setter pris på alt dere alle har gjort for meg for denne reisen, jeg er evig takknemlig for alt. Jeg gjør dette for dere alle <3




If you or someone you know wants to collaborate with me <3, please send an email: @Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den.

Please also follow me on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joeann.guron.3

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guron_joeann/

Tiktok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@guron_joeann?lang=en


when you vote for me, you choose to support a finalist 2023 who works for

sustainable development and helps people in need!

would you like to support me in this competition

I would really appreciate it if you would vote for me once:

(MissU 7) sent to 2401. per vote cost 20-, kr <3
513 Hits

Thank you for never giving up on me!

Hello to all my lovely readers ♥

(foto: @rogermyrland)

This post is for all of you out there, who have supported me in this contest. Being in a beauty pageant is much more challenging than people actually think. It's not just signing up, going on a stage and looking good, there is a lot more preparation before you get on stage. We need to learn the catwalk. It's not as easy as we see in social media, we need to be tough to face all the challenges we face and I am very proud of all of us participants.

When you take part in a beauty pageant, you naturally have to show your self-discipline. But what is also very important is having a support team that helps you with everything from photography, sponsorship and media coverage. It's definitely something that keeps me fighting and keeping me going. I read through all the comments and messages I get on social media. It makes me so happy when I feel that other people are rooting for me. I really appreciate that small message you’re sending!

I also have to thank the wonderful photographers, who use their free time to take so many nice pictures of me. My highest gratitude for their wonderful efforts! Then I have been so lucky and been sponsored by a local business. Even though I didn't got a lot of press releases and got interviewed by a local newspaper. It's going perfectly well for me, I work quite a lot for this.

It means an incredible amount to me that you all have faith in me in the competition. I am very lucky to have you as my team and support. My deepest gratitude for all your help! If I'm standing on stage in the finals, I want you to know that you're a big reason why I'm standing there!

To my family, friends, supporters Thank you guys for believing in me and never giving up on me. Thank You also for helping me financially, i appreciate everything you all have done for me for this journey, i’m forever grateful for everything. I’m doing this for you all <3

Neste inlegget skriver jeg på norsk <3


If you or someone you know wants to collaborate with me <3, please send an email: @Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den.

Please also follow me on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joeann.guron.3

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guron_joeann/

Tiktok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@guron_joeann?lang=en



when you vote for me, you choose to support a finalist 2023 who works for

sustainable development and helps people in need!

would you like to support me in this competition

I would really appreciate it if you would vote for me once:

(MissU 7) sent to 2401. per vote cost 20-, kr <3



633 Hits

The final is approaching!

Hello to all my lovely readers ♥

(foto: @knutyrvin)

Hello everyone, Miss Norway is approaching. There's less than a week left. I Notice that time goes by faster and it's really getting closer now. It's a shame to think that this little adventure and the exciting challenges that we've all grown a lot on will soon be over. Fortunately, I have learned a lot to take with me in life!

Lately I have been practicing a lot with heels and have been to a fitting for my evening gown for my final. At the final show, you get to know all the finalists! Here we will walk the catwalk and show what we all stand for, and of course there will be entertainment. I'm really looking forward to the final and to seeing the girls again <3

Hei alle sammen, Miss Norway nærmer seg. Det er mindre enn en uke igjen. Merker at tiden går fortere og at det virkelig nærmer seg nå. Det er synd å tenke på at dette lille eventyret og de spennende utfordringene som vi alle har vokst mye på snart vil være over. Jeg har heldigvis lært mye å ta med meg i livet!

I det siste har jeg trent mye med hæler og har vært tilpasning av aften kjolen min til finalen min. På finaleshowet blir du kjent med alle finalistene! Her skal vi gå på catwalken og vise hva vi alle står for, og selvfølgelig blir det underholdning. Jeg gleder meg veldig til finalen og til å se jentene igjen <3



If you or someone you know wants to collaborate with me <3, please send an email: @Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den.

Please also follow me on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joeann.guron.3

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guron_joeann/

Tiktok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@guron_joeann?lang=en


when you vote for me, you choose to support a finalist 2023 who works for

sustainable development and helps people in need!

would you like to support me in this competition

I would really appreciate it if you would vote for me once:

(MissU 7) sent to 2401. per vote cost 20-, kr <3


523 Hits

MY JOURNEY at Miss Norway




Hello to all my lovely readers ♥

This post is about me. I know I have posted a lot about getting to know myself, but Many things have happened in my life, both good experiences and bad things, but this blog is about me, who I really am. And i also want to tell you a bit about my journey so far in the competition 

(foto: @rogermyrland)

Hello everyone, good evening/good morning. My name is Joe-Ann Guron, I'm from Moss and originally from the Philippines, but currently living in Oslo. I’m studying nursing and I love working with people. Helping people who need help is a given for me and I’ve always found giving back to be deeply rewarding and fulfilling. 

(foto: @rogermyrland)

Now the final is fast approaching. It's just so amazing how days have come so fast and I look back on a wonderful journey ever since when I signed up for Miss Norway this year and until now. 

I’m so grateful that I have been able to take part in so much fun in Miss Norway this year, I was at the Beauty camp and catwalk course in Oslo Doga with the other finalists. I have been to Beauty Camp with so many beautiful girls and learned about Miss Norway.

I have been able to take part in so many great zoom meetings with the Miss Norway organization who will prepare us well with a review of the schedule for the final.

(Foto: @knutyrvin) 

This picture is from the beauty camp, where I learned to walk much better in high heels and also we practiced the routines to do at the final show and not least found and made friends. I also felt that I got so much out of the Beauty camp. Klara is so good and helped us all with our routines. All of us participate struggling to walk with high heels but we have Klara to be able to teach us and motivate us to walk with confidence.

(foto: @rogermyrland)

What do I think about Miss Norway?

Being in a beauty pageant is much more challenging than people actually think, but for me being part of this is also an honor and a big responsibility to face. It's not just signing up, going on a stage and looking good, there is a lot more preparation before you get on stage. This pageant has built me a lot with confidence, developed skills and of course opportunities to meet new people.

I'm just grateful to everyone I've met during Miss Norway, you've given us all the participants good support, we've learned a lot from you all and I'm very grateful for that. 

I’ve also been a lot of volunteering for the elderly here is the link and after the pageant this aug to September I’m looking forward for a lot of volunteers <3

Voluntary home care for the elderly

Frivillig Følgetjeneste - Voluntary escort service for elderly


(foto: @rogermyrland)

My Platform!

The reason why I joined Miss Norway is because I want to use my voice to raise awareness of my platform which is Homelessness Awareness.

I remember since i was a child I’ve always loved helping people, Coming from a Country that is full of poverty has taught me a lot that life can be difficult and challenging, growing up when i was at the Philippines i saw children at the corner begging for food therefore I’ve always think that when i grow up i want to help people who needed help, Now that I’m here using my opportunity as a Miss Norway Finalist to use my platform to raise awareness for homelessness. 

As I am looking for a way to make a positive impact in this world, I encourage myself to consider how I can use my own talents and passions to advocate for the needs and well being of others. There are countless ways to make a difference and help create a brighter future for us all.



While I am honored to be a part of this Miss Norway, Whether i win or lose to this competition the most important for me is how i use this platform to make positive impact to our country and wether i win or lose i will continue to work hard to promote important cause and be a good role model to others but not least inspire others to make a difference in our communities


Why did I write this in English?

The reason why I’m writing this on English is because after I joined a pageant I got a lot of message from messenger and instagram that they can’t understand what I’m talking and and also I got like a message that they using translate so I decided to write my blogs on English, now I’m grateful that someone is rooting from me, it’s just so incredible to hear when people sending me dm and saying I love your blog even though I’m not posting it often. Speaking English in media and writing a blog in English,I look this as practicing if I could competes Miss Universe I’m ready and confident to speak English in all over the world <3


Thank You!! 

Thank You everyone, friends,family, supporters, sponsors, and photographers for keeping supporting me with this journey, Couldn't have gotten this far without all your support.

I also have to thank the wonderful photographers, who use their free time to take so many nice pictures of me, my highest gratitude for their wonderful efforts! Then I have been so lucky and been sponsored by a local business. My family who’s supporting me with financially to this competition and cheering me Thankyou Thankyou so much <3

Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me and cheered me all the way to the final, I appreciate you all.

Again this is Joe-Ann Guron, one of the Miss Norway Finalists who’s raising awareness for the homelessness!

I only got one TV press Release but I’m pursing and looking forward for more interviews soon☺️

Medie press releases; (Here is the link)



 Interview with Larisa!



If you or someone you know wants to collaborate with me <3, please send an email: @Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den. 

Please also follow me on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joeann.guron.3 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guron_joeann/ 

Tiktok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@guron_joeann?lang=en 

when you vote for me, you choose to support a finalist 2023 who works for

Homelessness awareness and helps people in need!

would you like to support me in this competition.I would really appreciate it if you would vote for me once: 

(MissU 7) send to 2401. per vote cost 20-, kr <3 

1207 Hits
Påmelding for 2025

Meld deg på 2025-sesongen av Miss Norway. Vi gleder oss til å se deg i konkurransen!

Det som skjer nå er fortløpende uttak. Gitt at bilder og informasjon er på plass, blir du invitert til obligatorisk introduksjonskurs på høsten og vinteren. Det er lurt å følge med på årets vinnere og nye deltagere, for å lære hva konkurransen går ut på. Vi gleder oss til å se din påmelding!

Trykk her for mer informasjon og påmelding

Beste hilsener fra Miss Norway

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