
My fourth media cover




So on Thursday I had another interview with my local Newspaper, Grimstad Adressetidene. Its so fun when they follow my road to Miss Norway 2020 so closely. 

This time we talked about what I want to inform about and we talked about that I want to use my knowlegde and use it as something good here on Miss Norway blog posts.

I want people to be aware that they are not alone and that there is help out there. I want people to be aware about our community problems and if we all can just be there for one person or help that one person the world will be a better place!

The interviewer also asked me about some new psycological topics and I actually had no idea that the headliner in the Newspaper was ecsactly the same topic i told about in my interview. How many young people who actually ecperiences violence in their home! A norwegian report suggest that there is 1/20 young people under 18 years old that experiences violence. That is a really serious problem I also wrote about before christmas. If you want to read the report yourself here is the link: NKVTS rapport here 

And here is a link to my other post where I talk about violence and traumas (Norwegian post): Press here

Here is the link to my interview: Press Here

Thanks for reading

If you or someone you know would like to cooperate with me please feel free to write to me at: Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den. 

Ha a nice week everyone 

Photos take by Kato Bjørkum Hanssen. 

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