
How do you want to be remembered

How do you want to be remembered

I would like to be remembered as a very positive and intelligent person who got along with everyone. Someone who was humble despite all her achievements. Someone who has been a role model for many women and taught them the way to live their life with an open mind. Someone who always reached out her hand to those in need for help. Someone who was not only beautiful on the outside but embraced inner beauty. A wonderful mother and a strong woman as a wife. Someone who believed in herself even when there was no one to push her or help her financially. Someone who was very independent and goal oriented. Someone who met a lot of obstacles in life, but she still stood up and made sure she raised even higher after each fall. Someone who saw and knew no boundaries. Someone who saw opportunities in every difficult situation. Unstoppable. Last but not least I want people to remember how much I did to make sure my mother was proud one day, to make sure she understood the meaning of aiming high and to make sure she was proud of the strong independent daughter she could call her own.


The past few days have been really tough. My brother lost someone who used to be his bestfriend and was a huge part of his life. There were times when he almost lived with us and became a part of the family. The funeral was today and there was a religious person there explaining to us that our life will come to an end one day, sooner or later, you never know what could happen tomorrow. One day you are alive and the next could be your last day on this earth. It is important to learn from this experience and take it as a lesson to become a better person. 

We should take time to reflect on how we want to be remembered, write it down and read it from time to time. It reminds you of who you want to be and what your priorities are. It gives you a motivation boost and will help you plan your days and brighten your future!


Lots of love to all readers <3

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